The Camarilla SE Region presents

Sept of the Hostile Takeover
Copyright © 1996 Daniel B. Utecht
Player Name Character Name Tribe Auspice Breed Rank Demeanor Battle Scars Renown
Jerry Hill Galen Mist Welker * 4 Confident
Wisdom: 9
Glory 4
Honor; 2
George Chance Angus McGregor * 2 ??
Honor x5
Glory x4
Wisdom x4
Christopher J Ciszek Mindy Boggs * 1 Rebel
Glory x1
Wisdom x2
K. T. Herdt Molly Anderson-Scandisk Defrag * 1 Avant-Garde None Glory: Spirited, Daring
Wisdom: Crafty, Inventive, Commendable, Dutiful
Shane Murphy Michael MacGrath * Kinfolk

Roger Runstill *

Amy Nance Cameron Smith / Razor Tounge *

Eli Valentin Judges with Thunder *
Honor: Dutiful, Respected, Revered
Wisdom: Crafty
Glory: None

Lupus Homid Metis
Ragabash Theurge Philodox Galliard Ahroun
*Black Furies *Bone Gnawer *Children of Gaia
*Fianna *Get of Fenris *Glasswalkers *Red Talons
*Shadow Lords *Silent Striders *Silver Fangs
*Star Gazers *Uktena *Wendigo

The Litany

--The Laws of the Garou--

Garou shall not mate with Garou

Combat the Wyrm wherever it dwells and whenever it breeds

Respect the territory of another

Accept an honorable surrender

Submission to those above you in station

The first part of the kill for the greatest in station

Ye shall show respect for those below you station - all are of Gaia

The Veil shall not be lifted

Do not suffer thy people to tend thy sickness in death

Ye shall not consume human flesh

The leader may be challenged at any time in peace

The leader shall not be challenged at any time of war

Ye shall take no action that causes the cairn to be violated