Brevard Beastiary

A live action role playing game set in Brevard County, Florida
Based on the Mind's Eye Theatre game The Apocalypse by White Wolf Game Studios.
copyright © 1996 Daniel B Utecht. All Rights Reserved.

House Rules for Merits and Flaws

Since merits and flaws have become an integral part of the sit down game, and they were released for Vampire in the Masquerade Players Kit, I decided to translate some of the paper game to the live action game. These are slightly modified for play balance in my game (immunity to silver is not absolute, etc). If you have any suggestions for merits and flaws, even sarcastic ones, let me know. If I use them, I'll give credit to the person suggesting them.
These, as all of my house rules, are not official and are only binding in my game. Use them in fun.

Berserker strong
3 point flaw
Frenzy check for every time you take damage at or below bruised   Phobia  strong
2-4 point flaw
Make a fox frenzy check every time feared object is presented
Berserker mild
2 point flaw
Frenzy check for every time you take damage at or below wounded   Phobia  mild
1-2 point flaw
Same as Strong Phobia, but you get a free retest
2-4 point flaw
Make a berserk frenzy check every time object of hatred is presented   Short Fuse
4 point flaw
Make a frenzy check upon losing a mental or social challenge you initiated
1-3 point flaw
Same as Hatred, but you get a free retest   Shy
3 point flaw
Risk two extra traits in any social challenge, total number of social traits are halved during tests
Pack Mentality
3 point flaw
Subtract two traits from all categories when not with pack   Territorial
1 point flaw
Get one free retest while defending territory, but lose one trait from each category when outside
Bad Sight
2 point flaw
Must wear smudged glasses   Deaf
4 point flaw
Must wear professional hearing protectors
One Eye
2 point flaw
Must wear eye patch   Hard of Hearing
2 point flaw
Must wear cheap hearing protectors
Human Society
1 - 3 point flaw
There is someone or something you are supposed to protect   Persistent Parents
1 to 3 point flaw
Ward and hunted rolled into one
1-4 point flaw
Someone or something is out to get you   You can have a close friend or two in an organization that might be useful to you. Remember that friendship is two ways, and the more you strain a friendly relationship, the less chance it will be there next time you need it. Some of the influences are: Church, Corporations, Judiciary/Legal, Media, Park Department, Police, Political, Underworld and others. 2 to 4 point merit
2 point flaw
You have forgotten a section of your past   Calm Heart
2 point merit
Subtract three rage for the purpose of rage or frenzy checks
2 point flaw
You have to make two tests on perception checks   Common Sense
3 point merit
Get a clue from a storyteller or narrator upon winning a simple test
Weak Willed
3 point flaw
Must win a simple test to use a will power point   Concentration
1 point merit
Get one free retest a night in situations requiring concentration
Un-tameable mild
3 point merit
Get a free retest to Domination Disciplines and Mind Control   Time Sense
1 point merit
Know elapsed time without a watch
Un-tameable strong
5 point merit
Immune to Domination Disciplines and Mind Control      
1 point merit
Self Explanatory   Dare-devil
2 point merit
Get one free retest a night when doing something bold and brash
Animal Magnetism
1 point merit
Add three social traits when dealing with one gender, and subtract three when dealing with the other   Mechanical Aptitude
1 point merit
Get one free retest a night when dealing with simple machinery
Computer Aptitude
1 point merit
Get one free retest a night when dealing with computers   Jack of all Trades
3 point merit
Win a simple test to attempt an ability you have not bought
Crack Driver
1 point merit
Get one free retest a night when dealing with driving   Inept
3 point flaw
Win a simple test (ties are losses) or spend an extra XP to learn a new gift, ability, or rite
Fast Learner
3 point merit
Win a simple test (ties are losses) to learn an ability for one XP less than normal      
Ancestor Ally
3 point merit
Create a dead NPC that likes you. You must have Past Life background to get this.   Sign of the Wolf
2 point flaw
Your human form appears to be almost Glabro making it easier for hunters to find you. You cannot take this with fair Glabro.
Charmed Existence
5 point merit
Get one free retest a night   Banned Transformation
1 to 3 point flaw
Pick one or more situations that will prevent you from being able to change forms.
Danger Sense mild
2 point merit
Win a simple to test when danger is present to get an ominous feeling - not always active   Cursed
1 to 4 point flaw
This one is up to the storyteller to administer
Danger Sense - strong
3 point merit
Win or tie a simple to test when danger is present to get an ominous feeling - not always active   Foe from the Past
1 to 4 point flaw
An Enemy of one of your past lives pursues you
Guardian Angel
2 to 4 point merit
Some person or thing is watching over you   Forced Transformation
1 to 3 point flaw
Pick a situation that forces you to change forms to Crinos
Resistant to Wyrm Emanations
4 point merit
Get a free retest on challenges against radiation, Wyrm toxins, and bane possessions   Insane Past Life
2 to 4 point flaw
Create an insane dead NPC to take over your body whenever a certain situation takes place
Immune to Wyrm Emanations
6 point merit
Immune to radiation, Wyrm toxins, and bane possessions   Mark of the Predator
2 point flaw
Win (not tie) a simple test or herbivores run from you and carnivores hate you
2 point merit
Narrator gives you a free retest at their discretion   Moon Bound
3 point flaw
Add one trait to each category during your moon, subtract one during all other moons
Natural Channel
3 point merit
You can step into the umbra in half the time of regular Garou, and add two social traits when dealing with spirits   Pierced Veil
3 point flaw
You never inflict the delirium on mortals
Silver Tolerance
4 point merit
Silver does not cause loss of gnosis to you   Slip Sideways
2 point flaw
When confronted by mirrors or stressful situations, win or tie a simple test or slip into the umbra
Silver Resistance
6 point merit
Same as above but upon winning a simple test per wound, silver does not cause aggravated damage   Taint of Corruption
2 to 4 point flaw
You have the smell of a Wyrm creature
Vampire Companion
1 to 3 point merit
You have a dead person as a friend, and they have you      
Garou Ties
1-3 point merit
A Garou owes you one   Enemy
1-5 point flaw
Someone doesn't like you
2 point merit
You have three extra social traits when dealing with the Garou from your sept   Twisted Upbringing
1 point flaw
You believe the things you have seen in the movies about werewolves
1 point flaw
You have three extra negative social traits when dealing with the Garou from your sept
Berserker strong
3 point flaw
Frenzy check for every time you take damage at or below bruised   Animal Musk
2 point flaw
You must let everyone nearby know that you smell like a wolf
Bad Taste (Physical)
1 point merit
You taste bad - Opponents must win or tie a static challenge to bite you   Bad Taste (Social)
1 point flaw
You are a lousy dresser and wouldn't know Art if you met him
Fair Glabro
3 point merit
Your Glabro form could pass for big, mean, scary human   Deformity
1 to 3 point flaw
You are a physical aberration
Huge Size
3 point merit
Add an extra health level - cannot get nimble, lithe, quick, graceful or wiry   Insanity
1 to 3 point flaw
You are a mental aberration
Lack of Scent
2 point merit
You have no scents    Lame
2 point flaw
You limp - cannot get nimble, quick, or steady
2 point merit
You age half as fast as normal    Wolf Years
2 point flaw
You age five times as fast as a human
2 point flaw
3 if your a Galliard
You can't talk or bark    Monstrous
2 point flaw
You appear evil and monstrous - cannot get alluring, charming, dignified, genial, gorgeous, or seductive. You are very intimidating
Mixed Morph
1 point merit
Mixing forms is easy for you    No Partial Transformation
1 point flaw
You cannot mix forms
1 point merit
Shape changing takes half the normal time for you   One Arm
2 point flaw
You must wear one arm inside your shirt or jacket
Strict Carnivore
1 point flaw
You eat only meat   Small
4 point flaw
One less healthy level in all forms

This page is (as are EVERYBODY'S pages) currently under construction. Please send all suggestions to: Daniel B. Utecht.