Sleven Mini Marts
No bad person goes to Sleven™

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Sleven Mini Marts, Inc, a division of the Sutherlin Corporation, is an extremely profitable business venture, but it wasn't always so. In years past, profits slumped as marts in less desirable neighborhoods came under attack by thieves, hoodlums, and gangs. The stock took a dive after a jury awarded a 1.6 Million dollar settlement to one convicted robber for injuries sustained while fleeing the site.

But in 1993, A courageous BOD member stepped forward with a new vision. His name is Gabriel O'Brien. Instead of pulling out of high crime areas, he planned on expanding into them. His plan was not to abandon these areas, but to become a safe haven in them. To accomplish this, he adopted a bold new plan:

And indeed, his plan is working. Just this year alone, there was not one incident of attempted robbery reported. Sales are up, profits are up, and stock prices are up. The average turn over for employees went from 11 weeks, to a record high of 87 weeks. Property values of nearby developments are rising, all thanks to one man's visionary ideals.

So stop on by. The coffee is always fresh (but not too hot), the Damp Donuts are always tasty, and the property is always safe.

There is no reason to be afraid

Everything is going to be just fine

In every way, every day is looking better and better

I think I'll buy something

Sleven Prefers Everyone to have a Nice Day.