Brevard Beastiary

A live action role playing game set in Brevard County, Florida
Based on the Mind's Eye Theatre game The Apocalypse by White Wolf Game Studios.
Copyright © 1996-2013 Daniel B Utecht. All Rights Reserved.


The Corax (Were-ravens)
For more information, you are invited to read The Werewolf Players Guide by White Wolf Game Studios, pages 148-153.

Character Creation

Totem: Bird spirits (most often Raven)
Breeds: Homid and Corvid
Initial Willpower: Three
Initial Gnosis: Three for Homid, Four for Corvid
Backgrounds: Only two background points that can be spent on any background except pure-breed

Homid Corax can learn almost any Homid Garou gift, and Corvid Corax can learn almost any lupus Garou gift.
Basic: Voice of the Mimic, Enemy Ways, Tongues
Intermediate: Dark Truths, Hear the Corpse Whisper, Air Sense
Advanced: Gauntlet Runner, Thieving Talons of the Magpie, Portents

Voice of the Mimic
Basic Gift
Corax can duplicate any sound or voice she has heard with a successful Static Mental Challenge (difficulty determined by ST based on sound to be reproduced).

Enemy Ways
Basic Gift
With a Successful Static Mental test, The Corax can determine number of enemies in the area, and their general position. On a tie, only number is determined.

Basic Gift
Spend a Willpower point and do a static Mental test with a difficulty based on rarity of language. If successful, user can read and write that language for one evening.

Dark Truths
Intermediate Gift
Allows the Corax to discover a deep-dark of someone else. Spend a point of Gnosis, and conduct a Mental Challenge. On a tie or win, the Corax discovers a psychological secret of another (includes Beast Traits and Derangements).

Hear the Corpse Whisper
Intermediate Gift
On spending a Gnosis and performing a successful (win or tie) Static mental challenge, the Corax may speak with and hear a recently (no more than 24 hours) dead body. The corpse's willingness to talk is based on the degree of success.

Air Sense
Intermediate Gift
By spending a Gnosis point and winning or tying a static mental test, the Corax may halve travel time in the Umbra

Gauntlet Runner
Advanced Gift
Corax may make a Static Mental test against the Gauntlet in an area. A win decreases the Gauntlet by three, and a tie decreases the Gauntlet by two. The gauntlet will return to normal after the Corax passes through. Anyone wishing to make use of the weakened gauntlet must be lead by the caster.

Thieving Talons of the Magpie
Advanced Gift
Because the Corax are uncanny mimics, thieves, and spies, they have a gift that can take advantage of all three talents. The gift is taught by a magpie spirit, and lets the Corax steal the powers of another creature and use them as if the power were it's own. The Corax must have seen the target use the power and then win a mental challenge. Upon winning, the Corax can use the ability for one minute per gnosis spent. The target can be any shape-shifter, vampire, mage, mummy, changeling, etc. The target can not use the power until the Corax is finished with it. This gift is sometimes taught to the most deserving Ragabash Garou.

Advanced Gift
By spending two Gnosis and conducting an Static mental test, the Corax can see future event with clarity. Though the future is mutable, the Corax will see the most likely event. Storyteller discretion is advised.

Advanced Gift
Potential returns are similar to an advanced gift. They are a repeated annuity like a gift, as they become your own through contract over the years. The right annuity decisions secure long-range future investments.

Corax can learn most Garou rites, at Storyteller's discretion.
The rite of the Fetish egg will not work on the egg of two Corax, (there are no Metis Corax).

Rules for different forms

The following traits are added to Corax in different forms:
MentalAlert x2Alert x2
AttentiveAttentive x2
SocialBestial x2Beast ial x2
Heath levelsHealthy

If playing straight by the rules from The Apocalypse, don't use the extra health level. These are used in my game Brevard Beastiary, just as the extra forms for Garou on my house rules page.

* Please note that the middle form have an extra level added to the Corax health. This is a reflection of the ability to withstand more damage in this form before showing the effects. When shifting forms, normal damage is taken off of the new levels first. Aggravated damage doesn't disappear when Corax shifts forms. The total health level of aggravated damage remains unchanged.

Corax do not take aggravated damage from silver, nor do they normally enter frenzy, though gifts and supernatural effects can cause frenzies in them.


            Glory      Honor   Wisdom
Rank 1         -         1       3
Rank 2         1         2       4
Rank 3         1         4       5
Rank 4         2         6       7
Rank 5         4         7       9

Please note that in my game, my rank one gets the basic gifts for breed and Corax gifts
Rank two can learn almost any basic werewolf gifts at five xp.
Rank three can learn intermediate breed and Corax gifts.
Rank four can learn almost any intermediate werewolf gifts at ten xp.
Only my rank five can get the advanced gifts.

This page will probably be modified in the future, but it's anyone's guess as to when. Please send all suggestions to: Daniel B Utecht.